I forgot my username/password for my computer network account.



Self-Service Contact and Identity Management

MyPassword is an identity management tool that all faculty, staff, and students now have available for managing Network ID accounts for accessing York College network resources (desktop computers, wireless devices, email, and VPN). By setting up a profile complete with challenge questions and answers, faculty, staff, and students now have a way of resetting their network account password and regain access to their account at all times as long as they are active. This tool is available both on and off campus once you set up your profile.

Please follow the instructions below in order to set up your MyPassword profile. Please note that this service will not reset passwords for other systems. It's only for your York issued network access account.

Go to MyPassword to set up your MyPassword Profile:

Students MyPassword

Faculty / Staff MyPassword

Login to MyPassword

       Faculty, Staff, and Students

  • Your Username is your Network Login.

  • Passwords must be changed every 180 days.

  • Your Password must be at least 8 characters long.

  • It must contain at least one uppercase letter.

  • It must contain at least one numeric character OR one special character ($, #, @, ! and).

  • It can not be one of your 4 previous passwords.

You can also contact the IT Support Desk at (718) 262-5311 for assistance with your computer network account at York College.
For in-person assistance, the IT Help Desk is currently located in the main lobby of the Academic Core building, near the Guy R. Brewer Blvd entrance.

  • Last Updated Aug 29, 2022
  • Views 854
  • Answered By Todd Simpson

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