York College Computing and Information Services has created a Blackboard For Students website where you can get answers to Frequently Answered Questions and watch tutorials about using the Blackboard platform.
Get Ready for Your Online Courses!
You can also enroll in a self-paced training module "Get ready for your online courses!" and follow the instructions to complete the assignments. Upon successful completion, you will obtain a certificate and become better prepared in using Blackboard for your online course work.
Blackboard Interactive Support
All interactive support is housed in the Blackboard Online Helpdesk for Students course in Bb with separate links in the menu:
- Live! Bb Support Room (using the student (and faculty!) friendly Blackboard Collaborate Ultra tool) offers walk-in or call-in support for both course-specific and how-to questions related to Bb
- Live! Tech & Software Support Room (also using the Bb Collaborate Ultra tool) is hosted by our Computer Lab staff under Elizabeth Chow and is providing support for questions on audio connections and computer or device settings as well as on Virtual Machine and softwares such as Adobe, SPSS...
- Post your Questions uses the Discussion Board tool for a Q&A forum monitored by Wenying and Joshelyn (when they are not hosting a Live! Bb Support Room for faculty or answering your emails!)
Blackboard Phone and Email Support
York College Computing and Information Services Help Desk is also available for individual help with issues with Blackboard during their open hours.
You can reach them at:
Phone: 718-262-5300
Email: helpdesk@york.cuny.edu
NOTE: When submitting your Blackboard Support Request to the Help Desk, please include the following:
a) Your full name
b) Your email address
c) The course(s) with which you are having a problem (include department and course number)
d) An explanation of the problem.
AFTER HOURS Blackboard Support