Can I borrow a scientific calculator?
However, while remote learning is in effect, we strongly recommend you use free programs to emulate all the functions of our physical graphing calculators on your computer or mobile device.
For an exact replica of a physical calculator that you can use on Mac or Windows computers, Texas Instruments offers a six-month trial software that will allow you to interact on screen with a calculator that is identical to their TI 84 Plus line of calculators. Functions are all the same as on the calculators we lend out, although the graphing "screen" is in color. However, there is no functional difference. Please go to the TI Software, OS Updates and Apps page and download "TI-SmartView™ Emulator Software for the TI-84 Plus Family."
For additional Texas Instruments software, go to their Online Learning page to learn more about their support program. Calculator guide books and tutorials are available online as well.
For calculators that are not "TI" branded, but which are freely available and can be used without a 90 day limit, several options are available. NumWorks offers an Open Source calculator (Creative Commons license) with an emulator that can be used on computers or with a free app on mobile devices. Try the online simulator, with no download needed. Demos offers a free calculators for both online and offline mobile use with apps. They also tout their calculator as meeting accessibility guidelines. Try their graphing function. Consider meta-calculator for free graphing that is well formatted for screen sharing.