What food pantries at CUNY are open now?
CUNY is doing all that it can to keep CUNY food pantries open while also protecting students against exposure to infection. In an effort to minimize student travel, CUNY students can go to any CUNY food pantry during distance learning. CUNY also encourages students to seek pantries that are close to home and require minimal travel. See this list of CUNY pantry locations and contact information.
Please be sure to confirm hours of operation by calling or emailing before you visit any food pantry.
Expanded SNAP Eligibility
Due to a New York State policy change, thousands of CUNY students enrolled in a specific career and technical education (CTE) programs are now eligible to apply for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). As of October 16, 2020, students attending an institution of higher education (such as CUNY) at least half-time, and enrolled in qualifying career and technical education programs of study can now apply for SNAP. All qualifying programs of study (or majors) are credit-bearing and lead to a certificate or an associate degree. Please visit the SNAP page on CUNY's website for more information.
Additional food resources available to all New Yorkers.
In light of ongoing developments around COVID-19, some emergency food providers have temporarily suspended normal operations and have switched to “grab and go” meals and pantry bags to minimize the risk of exposure. Many others, however remain open and this website will help you find pantries near your home address.
Plentiful App
Plentiful is a free app that you can download to locate pantries in your neighborhood. As the ongoing developments around COVID-19 are changing rapidly, please be sure to confirm hours of operation by calling before you visit.
FoodHelp NYC
This site provides a map of food pantries and community kitchens located throughout the five boroughs. Again, call first!
IMPORTANT! You may also call 311 for assistance.