How do I cite in APA style?
APA style uses brief in-text citations that correspond to a reference list of full citations. The library has many style guides to help you with APA formatting, which you can find via OneSearch. You can also check out the library's research guide on APA style at
The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association is specifically designed for writing in the behavioral sciences and social sciences—including psychology, linguistics, sociology, economics, and criminology—as well as business and nursing, but can be used by anyone.
APA Style Website
Visit the APA Style website for quick answers on references and formatting questions and advice on writing for the sciences. The site is maintained by the American Psychological Association and it is fully searchable. It includes:
- Reference examples
- Paper formatting
- Sample papers
- Title page set up
- In text citation guidance
- Using bias free language
Free Citation Tools
There are a lot of tools to help you create citations automatically, whether you have a database citation or the OneSearch citation tool. However, you may want to cite things you find elsewhere. If you need to create an APA citation, try Citation Builder — it's an excellent tool to automatically generate citations for print or online sources: