How do I get help from a librarian?
Chat Reference
For quick or basic questions, try our online chat service during business hours. Use the Chat with a Librarian box on the main library page.
Be sure to check the Library Hours schedule.
If you need research assistance when we're closed—email us at
We respond within 24 hours and as soon as possible after weekends and holidays.
Personal Research Consultations
York librarians are also available for more in-depth assistance with your research assignments. Learn how to:
- Focus your research topic
- Plan your research strategy
- Identify relevant sources of information
- Find and evaluate sources efficiently
Use the form to schedule an online research consultation with a Library Faculty member:
You can always request a specific librarian by name when you use the form. You can also check out our Library Liaisons page if you want help from a subject-specific librarian.
Submit a Question
If it's after hours, you can use the Contact Us link on this page to ask us and we will get back to you by the next business day. You can also use the LibAnswers search box at the top of the page to see if your question has an existing answer already.