What if my CUNY login is not working?


Problems logging in to Blackboard or CUNYfirst?

York Information Technology Services is ready to provide help and support. If you have trouble logging in to Blackboard or CUNYfirst, you can contact IT by phone, email, or support ticket:


Problems logging in to library databases?

If your CUNY login is working with Blackboard and CUNYfirst but not library databases, you have a few options:

  • Active users: if you can sign into other systems with CUNY Login credentials, you should first try to change your CUNY Login password at https://managelogin.cuny.edu and then try the database login again.
  • New students and employees (including adjuncts returning for a new semester): please contact the York IT help desk and explain that you are new and your attributes may need to be updated because you are having problems with authentication via Shibboleth.

If you are waiting for an IT response and you have specific research needs, please contact us on chat or via email and we will do our best to connect you to resources right away.


One more thing: are you logged into Global Protect VPN and getting a database error?

If you're trying to use the library databases and you keep getting an unexpected error page, it might be because you are logged into the VPN. This is a known error that happens to some users some of the time, where GlobalProtect prevents the CUNY login from appearing.

Try disconnecting from GlobalProtect, then click the link to the database or article again. We are not sure why this happens sometimes, but we recommend disconnecting from Global Protect before using library resources, and instead rely on the CUNY login prompt.



  • Last Updated May 13, 2021
  • Views 3242
  • Answered By Meredith Powers

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