How do I fix my expired New York Times Online access?


York faculty and staff must renew their free NYT academic pass subscriptions each year to prove that they are still associated with the college. You can renew using the link on the New York Times Digital Academic Pass page on the library website, or use the instructions below: 

  1. ​Sign out of the Times on any computers and mobile devices (apps or browsers) you use and close the apps/web browsers.
  2. Then renew your subscription for the year at by clicking "log-in." It will not say renew anywhere. Do not create a new account. You must use your York email.
  3. Go to your York email and click on the link to confirm in the email you should have received. 
  4. Then go back to the NYT home page and/or the app, and log-in again. 


  • Last Updated Sep 02, 2021
  • Views 89
  • Answered By Meredith Powers

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